突然の心停止 (SCA) は生命を脅かす緊急事態です。 突然の心停止 (SCA) が発生した場合、CPR (心肺蘇生法) を行い、AED (自動体外式除細動器) を3〜5分以内に使用することで、人の生存の可能性を3倍にすることができます。BLS (Basic Life Support) を提供する上での重要な進歩は、自動化された外部除細動器またはAEDの可用性です。 これにより、SCA (突然の心停止) の生存結果が改善されます。 リー®シリーズは、最大360ジュールのエネルギーを備えた二相性切り捨て指数 (BTE) テクノロジーを備えています。 BTE波形は、各個人のインピーダンス特性を自動的に補正し、インピーダンスが高くなっても劣化しません。 それは時間を節約し、患者に最初のショックを与える成功率を高めました。
Open the lid to power on.
7-inch color screen, lightweight, durable, and reliable.
External defibrillation and CPR metronome.
Voice prompts and animation commands.
Semi-automated or Fully automated.
Heart rhythm analysis in 5 seconds.
Adult and Child mode switching.
Adult and pediatric electrode pad.
The large-capacity battery uses 200 joules for 300 times and 360 joules for 200 times.
SpO2 monitoring & PR (Pulse Rate).
Support Bluetooth connection to smartphone APP for easier setup and maintenance.
Connect electrode pad on patient, and the alarm indicator will display the connection status with green and red lights, also voice prompt with electrode pads connection status.
Voice prompts and animation commands.
Provide the real-time and step-by-step voice commands pace to your actions, CPR metronome and any failure to deliver a shock quickly and efficiently.
AED (Automated External Defibrillator) automatically diagnoses the cardiac arrhythmia of ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ventricular tachycardia within 5 seconds. It will recognize the pacemaker as a non-shockable rhythm.
Synchronous charging in rhythm analysis, once it is diagnosed with one of the shockable rhythms, AED will deliver a shock immediately.
Start CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) in any unresponsive person with absent or abnormal breathing. LeAED® Machine provides the CPR indication for rescuers in different modes.
Related Lepu-クリエイティブ AED
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